Kiefer Co:

My Favourite Humans

Dynamic Colour Ideas

First Written    Sun Oct 17 05:35:37 2021
File Modified    Wed Feb 14 18:32:26 2024
Latest Upload    Thu Sep 19 03:09:54 2024

I recently rediscovered some old mockups from one of my Game Maker projects, Ecosystem Consumers!

One of the things I love about these pics is how much variety in game environments can be conveyed just by tweaking spawn rates and changing the ground and shadows.

The ecosystem is a large enclosed environment with a central light and heat source. Shadows point away from the source and are offset for flying or hovering creatures.

Here's a standard patch of terrain:

Regular land region in Ecosystem Consumers

A dense "forest" of plant cover and rich soil:

Cover forest region in Ecosystem Consumers

Cold outer fringes far from the light source:

Outer fringes region in Ecosystem Consumers

A wasteland of decay and debris, represented by the purple beads that dead lifeforms crumble into:

Shells and debris wasteland region in Ecosystem Consumers

Arid, mountainous terrain with the occasional plant:

Arid mountains region in Ecosystem Consumers

Green, toxin-inundated soil that looks almost like grass:

Toxin pool beach region in Ecosystem Consumers

I'm glad to have found these old pics because I've been thinking about what I want Tributary's world to look like.

I think I've settled on orange during the day and blue during night, maybe with streams of light during the night and bokeh effects during the day. (Or vice versa?)

In either case, it will probably help that I've built in an easy way to tint the whole screen!

Tags: Blog, Miscellaneous
