What is KieferAnd.Co?
The idea of this website started around my second-last term of uni, where I played with inspect-element on our Operating Systems 2 class homepage.
I replaced professor Rasit's info and links with my own for fun, and it felt good. Addictively good.
Over the years, this site has evolved from a simple clone of the OS II course page into a portfolio of my projects, hobbies, and personal creations.
Prior to this site, my only experience with web development was creating Line Line Fish, a website that wrapped a command-line game I had made while waiting for code reviews at a co-op term.
Line Line Fish's initial design left much to be desired!
It also ran entirely from a cloud compute VM that wasn't designed to take any reasonable amount of traffic.
At some point, having realized the convenience of having fun projects on the internet where I could shill my projects by sending links, I registered https://kieferand.co and began slowly conglomerating pieces of my digital soul into one easily-viewable portal!