Kiefer Co:

My Favourite Humans

Hex Empire 3 Maps

One of my favourite Flash games of all time was Hex Empire, a hex-based, turn-based strategy game in which you have to manage army size and morale to conquer a procedurally generated world.

Hex Empire 3 is the series' latest installment, and although criminally underplayed, it is played by me, and I make maps for it.

Download my full pack of 53 maps here!

On Windows, you can install the maps by putting the .he3 files here, or wherever your steam installation is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\HexEmpire3\HexEmpire3_Data\maps

Check out a small selection of my maps!

Themed Maps

Avatar: The Last Airbender

ATLA Hex Empire 3 Map

I sat this map roughly around Legend of Korra's time period, with locations from both shows.

You can play as the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Air Nomads, Southern or Northern Water Tribe, or Republic City.

Here's a zoom in showing settlement names:

ATLA Hex Empire 3 Map zoomed in

For an added challenge, play the Sozin's Comet version of the map and try your hand at defeating a souped up Fire Nation!


Frostpunk Hex Empire 3 Map

The oceans have frozen over, turning ports into landlocked villages and choke points into routes of convenience where the alternative is a slow march over endless tundra.

Liquid water exists only around the heat of coastal factories, and these small walls of sea are often the only defensible terrain in sight.

Iron Harvest and Scythe

Iron Harvest/Scythe Hex Empire 3 Map

Inspired by Jakub Rosalski's 1920+ universe, this map places the five nations from the base Scythe game around the map's single factory nestled in the balkans.

Each army starts with some artillery, but there's only one place to get more!

Creeper World

Creeper World Hex Empire 3 Map

If Hex Empire 3 is an underplayed gem, then the Creeper World franchise is a whole diamond mine.

Creeper World is a game where your enemy is fluid dynamics and your weapon of choice is network engineering.

On this map, you need to defeat a similar torrent of blue hordes creeping across the continent.

Interesting Scenarios

Distorted WWII

WWII Hex Empire 3 Map

Experience the second world war on a slightly distorted Earth. There's only so much you can do with hex tiles!

City names are 1940s accurate for enhanced RP-ability.


Nile Hex Empire 3 Map

A desert themed map where most of the arable land (and therefore most of the income) is clustered around a great river in the north.

If you command only sand, you may find yourself running into negative morale — easily solved by raiding your more fortunate neighbours.

First Map

Kiefer's First Hex Empire 3 Map

My first Hex Empire 3 map!

This one has each nation starting with distinct advantages, such as Violetnam's difficult to assault sea fortress, or Amberica's artillery-defended thermopylae.

I have more than a couple of maps with this sort of setup. Check out Hex Empire 3.1 or Sick Islands for even weirder differences.


Mediterranean Hex Empire 3 Map

The six nations line the coasts of a great sea with valuable weaponry scattered across its islands.

Land travel is intentionally difficult, and each continent's ports are valuable assets to seize, or to destroy.

Challenge Maps


Deficiencies Hex Empire 3 Map

Each nation lacks something.

Turquoistan has a large army with a birth rate of zero.

Violetnam has nothing but small villages to churn out recruits, while Greenland has high-tech artillery without infantry support.

Amberica has it all, except for the natural resources to fund their forces.

Bluegaria has no roads to help it mobilize and Redosia is trapped on an island paradise turned prison.


Assassins Hex Empire 3 Map

The green player starts on an island with few resources and no capital. With no central weak point, can Greenland sneak its meagre forces across the sea and slay its enemies?

Colonial Roads

ColonialRoads Hex Empire 3 Map

Bluegaria rules from a wealthy island and has a firm but tenuous hold on the entire planet: The empire has control of roads and ports, but the countryside belongs to its disenfranchised enemies.

The Fortress

The Fortress Hex Empire 3 Map

The ancient legions of Turquoistan lay stranded on an island prison.

As Greenland, you patrol the waters with a small fleet. If even one rival has the hubris to land and give the turquoise army a boat, they will sweep the globe once more.

The Road

The Road Hex Empire 3 Map

I have a few maps with this non-traditional setup, where limited space to manoeuvre turns the first few moves into a chess match.

Prove your knowledge of Hex Empire 3 mechanics by winning as one of the nations on either end of the road!

Stop the Glut

Stop the Glut Hex Empire 3 Map

Greenland's starting position is rich with both men and the farms to feed them, but a narrow river and thin isthmus serve as their only connection to the outside world.

As another nation, can you find a way to stem the incoming green hordes and mount a counterattack?

Blue Ally Defense

Blue Ally Defense Hex Empire 3 Map

Violetnam sits in the corner, fighting off four other nations for the few scraps of fertile land on the map and without any roads with which to ease relocation.

The violet nation's only hope is to ally with Bluegaria and survive long enough for Bluegaria's armies to cross the desert and liberate them.
