Kiefer's Aquarium
This is my pet - a 284 L/75 US gal microcosm of an Amazon tributary.
FYI - I unintentionally breed golden apple snails.
Here's the tank on April 29th, 2020:
New: Check out some videos of my aquarium!
Cardinal Tetras
Rummy-nose Tetras
An Endler guppy, father to many children
A female Apistogramma engaging in combat with a snail
Princess Valerian, my Golden Bristlenose Pleco
Eugenia, my Farlowella (Twig Catfish)
Eugenia II, my Royal Whiptail Farlowella
Oh No, Spooky, my Vampire Shrimp
Ghost Shrimp
One member of the latest generation of Golden Apple Snails
Bladder Snails (ubiquitous and tiny)
Amazon Swords
Brazilian Pennywort
The lungs of my aquarium, a tank of plant-feeding CO2:
A spare tank where I raise water fleas on algae and dead plants:
Water Fleas (food!)
Kiefer's Aquarium Slideshow (66.9 MB)