Kiefer Co:

My Favourite Humans

Dealing with Discoloured Assets

First Written    Sun Oct 17 04:56:23 2021
File Modified    Wed Feb 14 18:32:26 2024
Latest Upload    Thu Sep 19 03:09:54 2024

In 2020 and the age of the pandemic, I colonized a spare room in our house to have a second desk for work (leaving the one in my room for gaming and socializing). This was a great move for work-life balance and having physical separation between the two, but it had an unfortunate side effect:

The monitor on my work desk did not have accurate colour.

This was a problem, because I didn't just use the new desk for my day job, but for working on personal projects too. Any games and art I worked on were affected, and I realized far too late.

My solution? Lay a filter over everything!

Here's a screenshot from my work laptop's monitor, showing dim and dull colours. The spare monitor I was using was too bright and too saturated, leading to art that was too dark to compensate.

Tributary with Kiefer's old laptop monitor preset

Compare it with how Tributary is supposed to look:

Tributary with Kiefer's desktop and new monitor preset

I didn't even notice until I posted this piece online, which looks a lot duller than I had planned:

Art of a hand pointing out an apple to a fish

My monitor was so off that at certain viewing angles, I couldn't tell apart green and red lines on a git-diff. Just to be clear, I'm not normally colour-blind. Tweaking the monitor's settings didn't solve the problem, and the monitor's inflexible stand meant having to trade ergonomics for proper colours as I lowered my chair or propped up the screen with stacks of paper.

The problem was pervasive throughout my projects, so I did some research and settled on the following:

  1. I needed to get a new monitor which I could set to display in sRGB, which would match most websites and apps
  2. I needed to add colour settings to my games for anyone whose monitors weren't in sRGB

For my Godot projects, I set about making a standalone scene that I could drop into a game to apply an overlay over the whole display. The UI isn't much to look at yet, but it served its purpose — I was able to use the same scene in Pilum too!

Screen adjustment architecture in Godot

The solution involved several sliders that sent signals to modify two nodes:

  1. A PanelContainer the size of the screen whose colour and opaqueness could be used to tint the whole game
  2. A WorldEnvironment whose Environment resource could be used to modify brightness, saturation, and contrast

The result was more than satisfactory!

With a few sliders (and the ability to save combinations), I could boost contrast, maybe to simulate a flash of light or tense moment in-game:

Tributary with interesting tint

Or to simulate glaring heat and harsh sunlight:

Tributary with bright, hot sunny day tint

Noir-style flashbacks:

Tributary with black and white tint


Tributary with night time tint

Crafting a solution to accidentally dull art ended up adding a lot of potential liveliness to my game worlds!

Tags: Blog, Tributary with Moons
