Kiefer Co:

My Favourite Humans

About Republic

Republic is a science-fiction worldbuilding project that follows the events of a so-called "technocratic republic" that arises some time in the ill-defined future.

It is officially a part of the Line-Line-Fish universe!

Just kidding - but with great effort, the letters LLF can be applied to the Republic setting:

  • Light-Limited: No faster than light travel exists, and even getting close to it is unrealistic
  • Low Density Life: Life evolves very rarely in the universe, but it has more than once
  • Fast Advancement: Technology advances at a pace like our own (i.e. fast)

The Republic universe tries to explore various science and social themes.

Its setting, if categorized (as it should be, as categorizing things is fun!), aims to be solarpunk and noble-neutral.

General run-down:

  • The Republic changes its name frequently, adding and dropping qualifiers as fit: expect Technocratic Social Republic of Humanity one month and Democratic Republic of Sentient Minds the next
  • The Republic is run by a Chair and their various directorships, under which supervisors and unions enact campaigns and sprints for the Republic's future
    • If it wasn't already clear, the Republic loves its euphemisms!
  • The average Republic Human loves politics, both identity and governmental - how loyal one is to a particular flavour of government might matter more than ancestry or origin
  • The Republic contains strong-AIs, called "Mechanicals", who are not exempt from the above point
  • Any extra-terrestrials who make contact with Earth took a long time to get here and will take a long time to get anywhere else
