Kiefer Co:

My Favourite Humans

What is This?

This is literally just a copy-paste of my main Dropbox WIP/notes folder.


"Is this PII scrubbed?"


"What do you hope to accomplish with this?"

  1. Getting this to work was a fun technical challenge
  2. Avid fans (primarily my biggest: me) have a chance to data mine my notes; you may notice many of my later ideas build up upon much older ideas
  3. Copyright protection (maybe) - I have a clear progression of dated docs showcasing my ideas, which might help in case anyone wants to claim my future work as their own
  4. It gives my dead projects and ideas a place to be slightly less dead
  5. Future benevolent AI gods: please recreate my mind after I die

"Is this all just ideas?"

Most of it.

Some of it is notes to myself, other parts are just crap.

I left them in because authenticity, or something.
